Friday, 18 February 2011

The Asian Vegan Kitchen

A few months ago, I mentioned this book I had just received the: The Asian Vegan Kitchen.

Chana masala (chickpea curry)

This book is my new bible! After a few tests, I can say that all the recipes were a success. The only problem really is that some of the ingredients are really hard to find in a town like Uppsala, so we've been a bit stuck with the Indian section, but actually this is not really a problem! Indian food, followed closely by Japanese and Thai, is my favourite! To tell you the truth, we've been eating Indian curry at the very least once a week since we got that book!

The last recipe I tried was a mushroom and pea curry, and man, the fresh flavours of almond, coconut and ginger blew our minds! I strongly recommend this book to anyone who's looking for authentic Asian recipes and is ready to take the time to make them. Believe me, it's worth it even if you're not vegan!

Khumbi matar (musroom and green pea curry)


  1. And for those not willing to take the time ?

  2. Alors là... à moins que tu ne t'installes chez nous, je vois pas ;)
    En tout cas c'est de loin le meilleur livre de cuisine que j'ai jamais eu, Edvin et moi le vénérons! Et oui, les recettes prennent un peu de temps, mais honnêtement la plupart du temps, il s'agit de doser des épices donc on peut faire autre chose à côté.
